Select the grouped business card, choose Edit > Copy (from the Edit menu at the top of your computer screen), then choose Edit > Paste. Select the text and graphics on the edited card, then in the Arrange pane of the Format inspector, click Group at the bottom of the pane. You can delete the page you don’t want to use (click View, choose Show Page Thumbnails, select the page, then press Delete).ĭouble-click placeholder text on the first card, then type your own information. The numbers at the bottom of each page indicate the commercial business card paper that the page is designed for. Scroll down to the Business Cards section, then double-click a template. Tip: You can speed up the process by grouping the text on the first card after it’s edited, copying it, then pasting it on each card.Ĭhoose Pages > Preferences (from the Pages menu at the top of your computer screen), click Rulers, then select the checkboxes for alignment guides. Your envelope template appears in the My Templates section of the template chooser if you save it there. To create personalized envelopes with your return address, you can save the envelope as a custom template. Ĭhoose File > Print (from the File menu at the top of your computer screen), choose a printer from the pop-up Printer menu, then click Print.Drag the selection handles if you want to resize it.

On the envelope template, click placeholder text in the recipient address, then type the address.ĭouble-click text in the return address, then type your address. Scroll down to the Envelopes section, then double-click an envelope template.Ĭhoose an envelope size from the second pop-up menu in the Printer & Paper Size section. In Pages, choose File > New (from the File menu at the top of your computer screen).Ĭlick Stationery on the left side of the template chooser.